GAGGING - traducción al árabe
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GAGGING - traducción al árabe

Gagged; Gagging; Stuff gag; Gags; Mouth gag
  • 3 Layer Gag - Stuff, Cleave, and Tape
  • A woman wearing a [[ball gag]]



أُضْحُوكَة ; أُطْرُوفَة ; أُفْكُوهَة ; دُعَابَة ; سُخْرَة ; ضُحْكَة ; طُرْفَة ; ظَرَافَة ; ظَرْف ; فُكَاهَة ; كِيَاسَة ; لَطِيفَة ; مُدَاعَبَة ; مُزَاح ; مُزَاحَة ; مَزْح ; مَزْحَة ; مَسْخَرَة ; مَضْحَكَة ; مُلَاعَبَة ; نادِرَة ; نُكْتَة ; نَوَادِر ; هُزْأَة ; هَزْل


أَبْكَمَ ; أَخْرَسَ ; أَسْكَتَ ; أَصْمَتَ ; أَطْرَقَ ; بَكُمَ ; خَرسَ ; سَكَتَ ; سَكَّتَ ; صَمَتَ ; صَمَّتَ ; كَعَمَ ; كَمَّمَ

يكعم = يسكت يقيّئ يسد
يتقيأ يتوقف فجأة
الكعام = cloture ( إقفال المناقشة بأخذ الاصوات على المسألة موضوع التقاش ) = وسيلة او عمل لتقييد حرية الرأى ملاحظة او عمل مثيران للضحك حيلة ، خدعة ، مزحة خادعة
مُبَعِّدُ الفَكَّين , يَتَهَوَّع


· & ·vb.n. of Gag.



A gag is usually an item or device designed to prevent speech, often as a restraint device to stop the subject from calling for help and keep its wearer silent. This is usually done by blocking the mouth, partially or completely, or attempting to prevent the tongue, lips, or jaw from moving in the normal patterns of speech. The more "effective" a gag appears to be, the more hazardous it is. For example duct tape is a fairly effective method of keeping a person's mouth shut but can be hazardous if the subject cannot breathe freely through the nose (for example if they have the common cold). For this reason, a gagged person should never be left alone.

The use of gags is commonly depicted in soap operas and crime fiction, particularly in comics, novels and films.

Courts have been known to gag certain people, such as the civil rights activist Bobby Seale. This practice has been criticized as inhumane.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para GAGGING
1. Then you start gagging, you get headaches.
Hidden in Plain Bite _ Katie Cantrell _ Talks at Google
2. Someone wished that she would sign a gagging order.
This Wish _ Bill Griffin _ Talks at Google
3. And he was really gagging. I thought he might throw up on me, actually.
4. For humans, gagging has been a very handy strategy for not choking to death -- especially
Animal Survival Skills - Poison Edition
Ejemplos de uso de GAGGING
1. It agreed to a gagging order under pressure from iSoft.
2. Fury over gagging threat ‘to spare Bush‘s blushes‘ 3.
3. Only a handful of other countries are imposing a gagging order.
4. Before I knew it I was gagging for him to propose again.
5. A gagging order was issued preventing the identity of any victims or witnesses from being disclosed.